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Myanmar rubber exports projected to hit 320,000 tonnes in 2024-25FY

Myanmar aims to meet a rubber export target of 326,000 tonnes in the current financial year 2024-2025 beginning 1 April, according to the Myanmar Rubber Planters and Producers Association.
Myanmar has conveyed around 100,000 tonnes of rubber so far. Myanmar’s annual rubber production is estimated at 300,000 tonnes. Seventy per cent of rubber produced in Myanmar goes to China. It is also shipped to Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Republic of Korea, India, Japan, and other countries.
Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Myanmar Rice Federation, Myanmar Pulses, Beans, Maize and Sesame Seeds Merchants Association, Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association, Myanmar Industries Association, Myanmar Rubber Planters and Producers Association and Myanmar Fisheries Processors and Exporters Association are exerting concerted efforts to meet the export target and tackle challenges in export.
Global demand for rubber, rubber production in Southeast Asian nations, and the market supply influence Myanmar’s rubber prices.
Rubber is commonly cultivated in Mon and Kayin states and Taninthayi, Bago, and Yangon regions in Myanmar. As per 2018-2019 rubber season data, there are over 1.628 million acres of rubber plantations in Myanmar, with Mon State accounting for 497,153 acres, followed by Taninthayi Region with 348,344 acres and Kayin State with 270,760 acres. — NN/KK
